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Peggy’s Blog: Facelift Recovery Continues

June 29th, 2010

Would I  have facelift surgery  again if given the choice?  I would have the surgery again, in a heartbeat.   I also had Botox ® and Restalyne ® at the time of my surgery and I was happy with the results.   I plan on continuing with both injections as needed.  I opted for a natural facelift and I am happy with my rested, more youthful appearance now.  I don’t look 30, but I look a whole lot better.  I earned the title “Nana New Face” from my grandchildren.  Recently the group I was working with at their school said, “You must be Chelsie’s Mom, you can’t be her Grandma!”  I told them I was 65 and they were shocked, so I think Dr. Bashioum did a great job, with what he had to work with.

My friends and family have been very supportive.  I told everyone I know, including my friends on facebook, that I was having the surgery.  No point in hiding it and besides, I wanted all the sympathy I could get, ha.     I  recently saw  a group of my friends who I had not seen for the past 2 weeks and upon seeing me they remarked, “Wow!  You are looking great and we can see a huge change.”  Right now I can even see a big change just from a week ago, as my recovery continues.   My husband loves the change.

Share this journey of renewal with me and check back to read part 2 of my final thoughts about this experience.

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Peggy’s Blog: Facelift Recovery

June 28th, 2010

The first 3 weeks were hard for me, as my brother died 2 days after my surgery.  For  the next couple of  weeks I was depressed, but realized he was in a better place.   Although this was a difficult time for me, as time passed, I  was able to become more  physically active.  I think that it helped me to feel better both emotionally and physically.   I could also see improvement in my recovery and I was looking better every  week.   I had the misconception in my mind that after 3 or 4 days I was going to look good?   Wrong!  Due to the swelling from the surgery, I looked better, but not like I do today.   Dr. Bashioum does make a point to say that it takes up to 6 months for the swelling to pass and maybe that doesn’t sink in.   I think the biggest thing I would tell anyone having a facelift, is to realize is that it takes time to get rid of the fluid build-up in your face and to be patient about recovery.  I am 9 weeks post-op now and look and feel great.  Every  week it gets a little better.

Share this journey of renewal with me and check back to read my final thoughts about this experience and see my “After” photo.

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