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Nipntuck Naturalâ„¢ Debuts at KQRS Las Vegas Broadcast

November 16th, 2011

Nipntuck Naturalâ„¢  is a revolutionary new way of thinking about plastic surgery.  I have a refined a technique for non-implant breast enlargement surgery, as debuted on the KQRS Morning Show broadcast in Las Vegas on Nov. 10, 2011.

Imagine life without implants and implant maintenance or risk!   Simply stated, your own fat cells are gently removed from selected areas and carefully transferred to another location.  Recent innovations led me to become very energized in this field and I had the opportunity to share new techniques this summer with  Dr. Roger K. Khouri in Miami  and Dr. Kamran Khoobehi from New Orleans,  two respected pioneers in this field.

Nipntuck Naturalâ„¢  is a specialized fat grafting procedure in which aspirated (liposuction) fat tissue is first taken from a donor site, then carefully injected someplace else.  Typical donor sites for women include areas of the abdomen or flanks.   Fat grafts naturally contain a population of adipose specialized cells.   The regenerative properties of these cells are particularly effective for this procedure, because the fat becomes a living part of the tissues where it is placed.

Although fat transfer or fat graft injections have been around for over 25 years, advanced techniques now allow 80-90% of injected fat to survive the transfer.   Today patients can choose  Nipntuck Naturalâ„¢  Breast Enlargement to naturally increase their breast size.   Selectively placing the fat allows for custom breast reshaping, including added cleavage.  Patients benefit from the added bonus of liposuction.  The results of this new technique are permanent, following a six-month healing period.

Nipntuck Naturalâ„¢    is not limited to cosmetic breast surgery.   Fat grafting is an outpatient, clinic-based procedure and the quick recovery is changing many aspects of cosmetic surgery.

Series continues.

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Facelift Before a Cruise?

November 7th, 2011

My husband and I are going on a cruise for New Year’s, is it too late to get a facelift?

Modern facelift techniques have a relatively short recovery period, so most patients are out and about in six to seven days after surgery.   However, the initial swelling and healing period following the surgery lasts for about 6 to 8 weeks.  Assuming you are a good candidate for surgery, having the surgery now provides adequate recovery time for recovery before traveling.

It is important to remember a couple of things.   First of all, it is never wise to plan elective surgery too close to a big event because there is often significant stress involved.   Adequate preparation time for surgery and recovery help alleviate this added stress.  We have several of my patients who wrote blog diaries about their own experience having a facelift.  Use our Search Feature at the bottom right side of the page to read them, some include actual surgery footage.

Secondly, it is your responsibility to follow before and after instructions carefully for facelift surgery.   A smooth recovery often rests on patients following doctor’s orders following surgery.   The detailed instructions that I give to my patients are designed to reduce the risks of complications and offer the best insurance for a speedy recovery.   Finally, completing facelift surgery at least 6 to 8 weeks before any big event, will enable you to look and feel your best.   Allowing plenty of time for recovery assures a natural and rejuvenated look, so you will look and feel great in time for the New Year’s Eve toast on the ship!

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