Correcting Lip Wrinkles
December 23rd, 2009
Lip wrinkles or “smokers lines†are the lines that radiate out from the lip margin. They can be the result of aging, sun exposure, smoking, and /or genetics. They often may make a person look older. Women generally dislike them because their lipstick runs into the wrinkles, giving a pronounced pursed look. As I mentioned earlier this week, skin resurfacing may reduce these wrinkles. What is the downside? Invariably there is bleaching of the skin, which more often than not requires make up to conceal.
Fortunately there are other choices to reduce lip lines. Injectable materials have made a dramatic contribution in the area of treating these wrinkles.
Filler materials are currently the first line of defense. Products like Restylane, Juvederm, and Perlane are a few of the ever-increasing number of filler type materials on the market today. They are injected under the skin and actually fill in the lines. These newer products are based on a hyaluronic acid formulation, a natural component of your normal skin. Interestingly, when lip lines become apparent, there is frequently a loss of lip size or fullness at the same time. Not only can the lines be corrected, but the lips can be restored to more youthful size and shape, as well.
I am less satisfied with a couple other products that are available. Botox injections that are used to reduce wrinkles for the lips, significantly changes the way in which your lips move and I think it looks very strange. I do not recommend Botox into the lips, but it can be effective to reduce forehead wrinkles.
I do not recommend having Radiesse injected into the lips. The material is too stiff and firm to offer a smooth and natural looking lip. The manufacturer of Radiesse does not recommend using this material for injection into the lips, however it is often used elsewhere, such as in the marionette lines or pre-jowl area.
Leah Blog: Tummy Tuck Consultation
December 9th, 2009
After some research on my own, I learned that I could probably only lose that skin with surgery. I knew of Dr. Bashioums reputation, I had heard him on the radio and I enjoyed his humorous television commercials. I decided that I needed to meet with him to see what he was like in person. I connected with him right away. He made me feel comfortable with my body and confident in his ability to make the change that I was looking for. I did not need a ton of skin removed, but he agreed that I could use a tune up. It was only after I first met with him that I took the time to specifically research his work.
During my consultation, I met with Dr. Bashioum and he examined my stomach. He did not think it would be much work at all. He felt that I could get rid of the extra skin and use a muscle tightening technique to pull it all together. I want to look good in a bikini, but I also want to be able to grow old without having to work so hard. I do take care of myself everyday to stay healthy and I want to FEEL as good on the outside as I do on the inside. It is purely an image choice and I am ok with that. I am stuck with this body for the rest of my life, so I want to feel proud of it.
I am worried about post-surgery recovery the most. I have four kids under the age of 10. They do not all require physical attention but they do need me there for them everyday. I did not want this to impact them negatively AT ALL. My recovery will probably impact my 2 year old the most, since he still likes to be picked up and carried around. I am really going to have to watch myself. My husband has agreed to cover the kids for the week and my mother-in-law is going to help out, too. I do not think I could pull this off without them!
I also want to keep this surgery private and do not want people to know that I have had surgery. If someone asks, I will tell them, but I am not going to offer the information unless they ask. How am I going to keep this secret? I just want people to notice how great I look and feel. That is what I hope for my future- to look great and FEEL great.
My surgery is scheduled for early January, so be sure to check back to read more about my experience.