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2010 Wish List for Self-Improvement

January 25th, 2010

We all look forward to 2010 with optimism and anticipation and the first of the year is always a time of renewal and making personal resolutions.   Calls start pouring in for cosmetic surgery consultations right about now.   Both men and women are thinking about self-improvement through cosmetic surgery for the start of the New Year.   Teeth-whitening is also the top of the list for do-it-yourself improvements, along with diets and working out.   The remaining top changes that people want are either cosmetic surgery or cosmetic medicine treatments.   In my own practice, breast enlargement, liposuction and tummy tucks, followed by facelifts have been the most popular surgery requests soon after the Holidays.


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Jessie’s Blog: Intro

January 4th, 2010

Hi, my name is Jessie and I have chosen to contribute to Dr. Bashioum’s Blog about my rhinoplasty surgery, because I want others to understand how the process works from a real person, not from a reality television show.   I have researched the procedure online and I have been finding a lot of conflicting information, which has left me confused and a little nervous about undergoing the procedure.   My hope in doing this blog is to allow potential patients to have a real patient perspective about the procedure, the recovery, and the end result and hopefully the great changes this brings to my life.

I have found that by revealing my up and coming surgery to others, it has caused various reactions.     People tell me I am going to look like I got into fight, or say the surgeon is going to take a hammer to my nose and beat on me. Yikes!     Others say this surgery is going to change my looks and no one is going to recognize me.   Some people tell me to go ahead with the surgery, while others say it is a waste of money and vain of me to go through with the procedure.   Thank goodness that in the end, I am only doing this surgery for me.

Please check back to follow my story.

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