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Jessie’s Blog: Wow, did people notice!

February 2nd, 2010

In only two weeks after my surgery, I no longer have any visible bruising or markings.   I really enjoy my co-workers telling me how good my nose looks and how amazed they are that I have healed so fast.   Being that I am around people from work a lot, they have also told me it how impressive it is that I have not been in much pain.

This weekend I attended a friend’s 30th birthday and saw many people that I had not seen in a while.   Wow, did people notice! All of my friends think it looks great, but they are also happy to see that it has not changed my entire face.   It is still my nose, just improved and much hotter!     I enjoyed taking pictures with my friends now and I had to get the pictures developed right away, so I could compare old pictures to new.   I really think my side profile looks much nicer.   For the first time, I can stand at the end for a few pictures and that is something new for me.     I always used to request the center picture spot, otherwise the picture would never turn out, as my nose had a flatten tip in profile.  

My family is also very impressed with how fast the healing process has been for me.   They have been very supportive.  I think it touched me the most when my eighty-five year old grandma was supportive of the surgery and even sent me a get-well card.   I thought her generation was not as accepting of plastic surgery and I was a little surprised at her positive reaction.     Grandma even asked me when I was going to come up and visit.   That made my day!   I think she wants to see her great “grand-dog”!

So, in closing, I am very happy with the results.   My nose does get a little peeling after I shower, so I have to apply lotion.   It is not really a big deal.   It almost reminds me of feet that have been in the bathtub too long and I admit that I have been known to take really long showers.   The peeling is decreasing as each day goes by and again it is not really noticeable and a little lotion takes care of it.     I do also want to suggest a saline nasal spray to anyone under going nose surgery.   You can not pick or blow you nose for three weeks, and the nasal spray has helped me tediously with my breathing especially at night.   Living in Minnesota in the winter we get the sniffles, so please make sure you get a saline nasal spray, it has been my best friend.

Thank you for sharing my adventure with me.   It has been a great experience and I hope my blog is helpful to anyone considering having the surgery.

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Leah Blog: Rules for my recovery after surgery

December 15th, 2009

The packet that I received from Bashioum Cosmetic Surgery Center with my pre-op (before surgery) instructions also outlines what I need to do after my surgery.   Dr. Bashioum stresses how important it is for me to follow his “after-care” instructions.   The final result is influenced by my adherence to them.   Since I have four young kids that require a lot of energy on my part, I really need to look over this section of the packet, because I understand the importance of it for my own safe recovery.   My husband will be with me the day of the surgery and my mother-in-law will be here the rest of the time to help take care of my kids (especially the youngest).  It will be very hard for me not to lift anything more than five pounds for 3 weeks!   I think my purse alone weighs more than that!!!   My family (HOPEFULLY) will help me by carrying anything that I can’t lift.   I know that following the after-care instructions will help me achieve the best possible result from surgery and for this reason I will try to be really careful.

A great deal of my peace of mind comes from the fact that Dr. Bashioum is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.   This is important since he has special training qualifications that allow him to focus exclusively on all aspects of cosmetic surgery.   I feel so confident knowing this and the fact that he has years of experience doing many cosmetic surgeries allows me to concentrate on my experience without any doubt.   There are several ways to look for a Board Certified surgeon:   Search online, or simply ask to see the credentials from the physician that you are considering to do your surgery or visit the website for the American Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.

Be sure to check back to see video clips of my preparation before going into the operating room on the day of my surgery, which will be followed by film of my abdominoplasty.

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