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Filming Mommy Makeover Today

November 6th, 2013

We are filming surgery today in our office for an upcoming interview on Twin Cities Live. Our patient was very gracious to allow cameras to follow her journey for a “Mommy Makeover.” The popular afternoon magazine show on KSTP also interviewed her prior to surgery this morning. Her story is a familiar one, women choosing to restore their figures after pregnancy. Abdominoplasty surgery or more commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, is effective in repairing torn or stretched muscles and tightening excess tummy skin. Hernia repairs and belly button re-positioning may also be accomplished during this surgery. Watch the television segment by clicking here.

The tummy tuck is one aspect of the Mommy Makeover and breast restoration is the companion surgery for the frequently requested post-pregnancy makeover. Physical changes are sometimes permanent due to one or more pregnancies and in spite of diet and exercise, surgery is the only option to correct some of the anatomical changes a women experiences after childbirth. Stay tuned for an update to watch our segment on Twin Cities Live after the Holidays.

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Dr. Bashioum’s Patient Loves Tummy Tuck

June 17th, 2013

 Teri writes:  I am now 6 months from my abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery procedure. After  losing 112 pounds,  I had quite a bit of extra skin and wanted a change. Dr. Bashioum and his staff took care of this for me. He tightened up the ‘lazy’ muscles and tightened up the skin.  It looks great!  I would recommend Dr. Bashioum to everyone. He and all of the staff did a great job!

Dr. Bashioum replies:  Thank you for your kind comments, Teri. Approximately 110,000 women choose to have tummy nipntucks in the US each year, according to statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).  

Many of those patients opt for this surgery as part of the mommy make-over following pregnancy, while others have lost a significant amount of weight like Teri has done before considering surgery. Abdominoplasty is an effective procedure to flatten the tummy and reduce any excess sagging skin (frequently called muffin top) to give the abdomen a more trim appearance. I find that patient satisfaction is extremely high following this kind of surgery.

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