Implant-Free Breast Enlargement
August 13th, 2014
Nipntuck Naturalâ„¢ is a revolutionary new way of thinking about plastic surgery. I am pleased to offer patients the option to choose new no implant breast enlargement surgery, as debuted on the KQRS Morning Show broadcast in Las Vegas, last year. As Brad Blanks mentioned on stage, “Booty to Boob” is real and fat from one area can be used to sculpt fuller breasts without using implants. This implant-free technique is exciting news.
Regenerative medicine features this specialized fat grafting procedure. Typical donor sites for fat cells include areas of the abdomen or flanks. Fat grafts naturally contain a population of adipose specialized cells. The regenerative properties of these cells are particularly effective for the new procedures, because the fat cells become a natural living part of the tissues wherever it is placed.
This revolutionary technique is not limited to cosmetic breast surgery. These special properties are beneficial for many types of anti-aging procedures, such as facial rejuvenation. Fat grafting is an outpatient, clinic-based procedure and the quick recovery is changing many aspects of cosmetic plastic surgery today. I find that my patients appreciate having another option when it comes to breast enlargement. Nipntuck Naturalâ„¢ is effective in using this new natural technique to offer fuller breasts, without the worry of having implants.
Look Good, Feel Good
March 24th, 2014
While on a walk in Wayzata late last summer, we spotted this saying on a store display window. Perhaps 60% might be an exaggerated figure, but many of my patients express a similar sentiment. Lives are busy and sometimes attention to ourselves takes the backseat to other obligations, not limited to being a mom. I often see an uptick of consultations during the spring. Common complaints include localized weight gain and facial aging. With the advances in regenerative medicine today, these 2 concerns can be addressed together now with fat grafting. The fat grafting injection procedure uses autologous (your own) liposuctioned fat, that is prepared to artfully sculpt a fresher looking face. Traditionally lipo fat was medically discarded. Regenerative medicine includes many exciting breakthroughs in cosmetic medicine, including natural facial rejuvenation, implant-free breast enlargement, breast reconstruction, treating breast asymmetry and natural lip plumping. Studies have shown that the familiar saying, “Look Good, Feel Good” has some validity. Are you ready for a little beauty boost?