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Doctor/Husband Patient/Wife Facelift

June 4th, 2014

Watch our new doctor/wife facelift surgery segment that aired on Twin Cities Live yesterday. Viewers get a sneak peek into the  operating room as Lindsay is prepped for surgery. She talks candidly with Elizabeth Ries about the recovery process of having a facelift and why she chose to have surgery. I try to get a few words in, but she steals the show. Judging by her personal reaction to the before and after photos they put onscreen, it’s obvious she likes her brand new haircut and feels good about her more youthful appearance. It has been an enlightening experience for me to see the patient side of things and I appreciate her willingness to share our story.  It is interesting to look back and reflect on the surgery from the perspective of doctor/husband and patient/wife.

Click here to watch.

Special thanks to Katie and Julie at Reflect Salon and Spa at their flagship location in Plymouth for providing hair and makeup for Lindsay today on Twin Cities Live.


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Mommy Makeovers: a Growing Trend

December 26th, 2013

Women are postponing motherhood, waiting longer to have children today. What is the best age to have a baby? Many factors enter into this equation. From a purely biological viewpoint, the late teens or early twenties are best biologically, according to John Mirowsky, a sociologist at the University of Texas at Austin.  Women in their twenties are least likely to have developed health problems that would put them or their babies at risk, and they have the lowest rates of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, and infertility. Physically speaking, it is apparent that younger women are able to weather pregnancy and bounce back more quickly than older moms.  

Perhaps the growing trend of considering a Mommy Makeover reflects the desire to erase the physical toll that later childbearing sometimes brings. Many will agree that having children at any age is one of the most rewarding experiences a mother will have. However, the physical effects of pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancies, can leave unwanted and unflattering changes to your body. Common complaints from my patients include, loss of breast fullness and/or sagging, excess abdominal skin, stretched or torn abdominal muscles and umbilical hernia. Even if you adhere to the 25-35 pound weight gain during pregnancy, it’s often more difficult to get back into shape the older you are when you have a baby. No amount of exercise or weight loss can fix some of these problems. Fortunately, cosmetic surgery is an option to help a patient return to a pre-pregnancy appearance and restore the natural feminine shape following their pregnancy. Some of my happiest patients are women of all age-ranges who have chosen Mommy Makeovers.

Be sure to watch KSTP-TV’s Twin Cities Live, when we share a personal story of a Mommy Makeover.

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