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Looking for Holi-(day) Glow?

December 7th, 2020

too many wrinkles

December Holiday Glow Our Holi-Glow Facial Refreshers can help you to look your best for the Holidays without any downtime!

Announcing our new NipntuckLite™Results Without Surgery, offering the most innovative techniques. Find a wide range of facial rejuvenation services, for results without surgery, including Botox®, Dysport® and Medical Hydro-facials. We have the latest Scientifically Clean Formulated anti-aging strategies to refresh and rejuvenate your appearance. Why Not Look Your Best!

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Fountain of Youth? Well Almost…

August 12th, 2020

Fountain of Youth

While the Fountain of Youth may be somewhat of a fairytale recounting the mythical waters with rejuvenation powers, cosmetic surgery and less invasive treatments do come close. If you are considering a post-quarantine refresher, our office follows safe and fully compliant CDC guidelines for in-person consultations or scheduled virtual consultations by request.

An archeological park dedicated to the Spanish explorer Ponce De Leon’s quest to find the Fountain of Youth actually exists in St. Augustine, Florida. It marks the spot where he landed in 1513. On a recent road trip, we couldn’t resist stopping to see it, pictured above.

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