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Dr. Bashioum Exceeds Patient Expectations

June 13th, 2012

Kristina writes about her surgery with Dr. Bashioum:

I want to thank Dr. Bashioum and all his staff for everything they have done for me. I had breast augmentation (enlargement) surgery 2 weeks ago and just had my post op follow up appointment today. Everything is going perfect! I had been contemplating having this surgery for 6 years and I finally got the courage to go ahead with it. I was referred to the Bashioum Cosmetic Surgery Center by a former employee and a friend who had the same surgery. As soon as I walked into the clinic I got a “good vibe.” The entire experience  from my initial consultation, to trying on sizes 4 different times prior to surgery, to the day of surgery and now, has exceeded my expectations. The entire staff is so friendly and always knows who I am when I call in. The staff made me feel so comfortable the day of surgery.  

All in all, I am grateful to everyone. I am very pleased with my results and it has only been 2 weeks since my surgery. I appreciate the care and knowledge that they have and I would recommend anyone who is considering cosmetic surgery to improve himself or herself to see Dr. Bashioum.  

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Ice Out on Lake Minnetonka

March 22nd, 2012

Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes and Lake Minnetonka is one of them.  The lake is covered with ice by early December most years.

On an early morning walk to my office in Wayzata this week, I noticed that the ice on the lake had finished melting.  It had taken on a dark mysterious look in the first light of the day, as you can see in my photo.  The mild winter had prevented a thick freeze, perhaps contributing to the early thaw this year.   Mid-April is average for ice-out.

The Freshwater Society, founded by Richard G. Gray, has kept records of the day the ice goes out on  Lake Minnetonka.  According the Society, the earliest recorded ice-out, noted by naturalist Dr. Thomas Roberts, was March 11, 1878 and the latest recorded date was May 8, 1856.

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