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Leah Blog: Tummy Tuck Consultation

December 9th, 2009

After some research on my own, I learned that I could probably only lose that skin with surgery.   I knew of Dr. Bashioums reputation, I had heard him on the radio and I enjoyed his humorous television commercials. I decided that I needed to meet with him to see what he was like in person. I connected with him right away. He made me feel comfortable with my body and confident in his ability to make the change that I was looking for. I did not need a ton of skin removed, but he agreed that I could use a tune up. It was only after I first met with him that I took the time to specifically research his work.

During my consultation, I met with Dr. Bashioum and he examined my stomach.   He did not think it would be much work at all. He felt that I could get rid of the extra skin and use a muscle tightening technique to pull it all together. I want to look good in a bikini, but I also want to be able to grow old without having to work so hard. I do take care of myself everyday to stay healthy and I want to FEEL as good on the outside as I do on the inside. It is purely an image choice and I am ok with that. I am stuck with this body for the rest of my life, so I want to feel proud of it.

I am worried about post-surgery recovery the most. I have four kids under the age of 10. They do not all require physical attention but they do need me there for them everyday. I did not want this to impact them negatively AT ALL. My recovery will probably impact my 2 year old the most, since he still likes to be picked up and carried around. I am really going to have to watch myself. My husband has agreed to cover the kids for the week and my mother-in-law is going to help out, too. I do not think I could pull this off without them!

I also want to keep this surgery private and do not want people to know that I have had surgery. If someone asks, I will tell them, but I am not going to offer the information unless they ask. How am I going to keep this secret? I just want people to notice how great I look and feel. That is what I hope for my future- to look great and FEEL great.

My surgery is scheduled for early January, so be sure to check back to read more about my experience.

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Buttocks Surgery Causes Death of Miss Argentina

December 1st, 2009

My wife, Lindsay, brought this unfortunate case of cosmetic surgery in the news to my attention today.  CNN was among the media outlets who ran the story.  Gluteoplasty or buttocks enlargement has been popularized by the cultural emphasis on a round, protruding, and firm butt.   Both men and women consider this surgery when they want a fuller buttocks.   Because of safety issues and concerns, I do not offer this surgery to my patients.

There are two ways to achieve “butt enlargement.”   First is by injection.   The most popular injectable material has been fat.   Fat is first removed using a liposuction technique.   The fat is then injected in to the buttocks, after it is purified.   Theoretically, this should work, as the buttocks are primarily fat.   Unfortunately, there are many reports of sudden death when this technique is used.   Extreme caution should be exercised when considering this type of cosmetic surgery, because there appears to be no clear explanation as to why the patients have died.   Anytime anything is injected into the body there is a risk of intravascular injection.   Antibiotics, anesthesia drugs, and intravenous fluids need to be administered intravenously or into the vein.   Immunizations, insulin, local anesthetic, and fat should not.   If fat is accidentally injected into a vein in the buttocks, the fat will travel to the heart.   The heart pumps the venous blood and fat into the lungs, because this is just how our plumbing works.   The lungs filter the fat in its small blood vessels near the aveoli.   Small amounts of fat or emboli are usually inconsequential.   However, if there is a large amount of fat in the blood or if the blood begins to clot around the injected fat, the resulting pulmonary embolus would most likely be fatal.   Sadly, Solange Magnano, Miss Argentina 1994 suffered a fatal pulmonary embolus due to complications from the fat injection into her buttocks.

Another way to enlarge the buttocks is an alternate technique where a solid silicone implant is placed beneath the skin and fat.   Solid silicone implants have been around for many years in other shapes.   They are used to enlarge the chest in men, calves, and chin.   They have been proven to be relatively safe and effective.   The surgery to place such implants in the buttocks is not complicated, although the skill of the surgeon is important.   The results are generally acceptable to many patients.   However, there is a significant risk of a very serious gram negative infection.   Because of the posterior location of the surgery and the adjacent location of natural occurring bacteria, risk of infection is considerable.

Some of these bacteria are home to the intestinal tract.   Such infections frequently require hospital admission and have a high risk of death.   In addition, coloform bacteria can also result in an infection known as synergistic gangrene.   In this case, multiple bacteria types infect the tissues together and lead to skin and fat death.   Extensive reconstructive surgery, including skin grafts and terrible scars may result.   At its worse, synergistic gangrene can lead to death.

I chose not to do either of these surgeries.   I do not feel that the risks of these very serious complication are worth the benefits of the surgery for my patients.

Sometimes it’s better to just hit the gym!

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