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Why Cosmetic Surgery Results Begin Before and Continue After Surgery

June 20th, 2023

Dr Bashioum calls his patients

Cosmetic surgery results actually do begin before and continue after surgery. I view elective cosmetic surgery to be a patient/surgeon partnership in an effort to achieve the goal of medical safety and optimum cosmetic results. For this reason, I have developed pre-surgery patient care that involves simple, but a very specific protocol designed to be followed before having surgery. My patients are also provided with detailed after-care instructions following their procedure to take home, along with my personal mobile phone number to call me anytime with questions throughout recovery. I have found that by calling patients the night before and the evening following surgery, plays an important role in reassuring my patients. Questions answered quickly to alleviate undue worry, creates a relaxed environment for an easier recovery. It is my approach and belief that patients appreciate this approach and report feeling confident and pleased with their choice.

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Too Soon for a Facelift?

May 24th, 2023

When to Consider a Facelift

Too Soon for a Facelift? Is it ever too soon to consider when to have facial rejuvenation surgery? In the past, traditional facelifts were reserved for older women and now there are several ways to look at whether there are advantages to considering a Nipntuck in the mid-30’s-40’s.

As with all cosmetic surgery procedures that address aging, there is a desire for a more youthful and freshened appearance when looking in the mirror. During consultations, patients often report that their goal is preferring a somewhat younger appearance rather than wanting a big change. It can be said that sooner rather than later has advantages, because younger women generally experience a quicker recovery, which is appealing. It is important to understand that jowls, notably sagging skin and deep wrinkles are most easily corrected with a facelift, but these changes do not occur uniformly with any particular age. I surgically approach each facelift surgery with an eye to creating a more natural, balanced and refreshed appearance to the face. Gone are the days of the severely stretched look. My advice to patients considering when to have a facelift is based on their expectations and my evaluation following examination. I find that the words that describe a particular procedure can be off-putting. It is understandable not to embrace changes while we age, and patients sometimes even wince at hearing me recommend a facelift. But no matter what the name, there is evidence that looking good is closely related to feeling good.

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