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Mel’s Blog: Getting rid of my Baby-pooch

August 8th, 2012

On the days leading up to my abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery, I got more and more anxious.   During my pre-operative call with one of the nurses, I shared my anxious feelings.   They reassured me that it was a completely normal feeling and many patients experience the very same feeling.   The morning of my surgery was completely different – I was excited!   I was actually looking forward to NOT thinking about my baby pooch anymore!

The day of surgery was described for me in great detail prior to my surgery.   So I was well-prepared and I can honestly say that there were no surprises.   My recovery was just as they said it would be – very similar to my c-sections, but a little longer.   When I was sent home, I was in a considerable amount of pain, but as soon as I got home and got settled in my own bed, my pain improved.   Dr. Bashioum’s instructions were clear and it was imperative that I stay on top of the pain and take all of the medication prescribed.   That meant around the clock for the first few days.   Ice also helped tremendously.   Getting in and out of bed was difficult at first, but I realized that the more I tried it, the easier it got.   There was a balance that I had to strike between resting and being somewhat active.   I overdid it on post-op day 3, and did not stay hydrated enough.   However, some rest and a lot of water made me feel MUCH better.

Check back next time to follow my tummy tuck recovery.

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Tummy Tightening

August 7th, 2012

Arguably, the cornerstone of the “Mommy Makeover” is a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. Women are often concerned about their abdomen, as well as their breasts after pregnancy.   The natural growth of the baby within the uterus pushes the abdominal wall forward, stretching both the skin and the muscles.   The separation of the rectus muscles is known as a diastasis recti. Hernias of the groin and belly button can also occur.  Much of the distortion goes away after delivery, but extra skin and muscle weakness often remains. For some women this is a concern. Considerable or rapid weight loss may present the same concerns.  A tummy tuck can fix these problems.
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