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Diary of a Breast Reduction: Michelle’s Blog 3

February 24th, 2014

Introduction: Almost 113,000 women choose to have breast reduction surgery every year. Our patient kindly shares her story with our readers in a Guest Blog series Part 3. Michelle’s story continues about her experience with Pre-Operative Instructions.

Michelle writes:  As I mentioned last time, I’m dreaming about how I will feel and look after the surgery. Well, it is finally just 3 days to go before my much-anticipated surgery.  I received a phone call yesterday from the Bashioum Cosmetic Surgery Center office to go over some “pre op ” instructions.  Everything that they talked about matched what was discussed 2 months ago, and matched the information that came in my surgery packets, which I have read. So now I feel good about what I was supposed to remember to do.

I have gone out and bought my sports bra, as suggested for after the surgery. I also have the anti-bacterial soap, the movies are rented and the refrigerator is stocked and the laundry is folded, all in preparation.  I am still very excited, but when I think about the actual surgery part – I get a bit nervous, which I guess should be expected.  Still, I can’t wait.

Next time: my surgery day, read here.

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Diary of a Breast Reduction: Michelle’s Blog 2

February 20th, 2014

Introduction: Almost 113,000 women choose to have breast reduction surgery every year. Our patient kindly shares her story with our readers in Guest Blog series Part 2. Michelle’s story continues about her experience and why she is considering surgery.

Michelle writes:  As I mentioned last time, before my health issue, my desire to have smaller breasts was completely about “looks.”  I have really changed my lifestyle.  I have been eating healthy and working out, and I’ve lost and kept off 50 pounds.  My breasts however, didn’t change. They remained heavy and now they’re sagging from the weight loss. I have discomfort, my shoulders hurt and the bra straps cut into my skin.  I also have back pain and headaches. To keep up with my working out, I have to wear two sports bras during exercise.  Now my desire to have smaller breasts is more than “looks.” It is about keeping up with my new and sustained lifestyle, it is about feeling good on the outside to match how  I feel on the inside.

So I’ve asked all of my questions and I have only 2 more weeks to go now until my surgery.  I am excited and anxious and I’m having dreams about how I will feel and look after the surgery. Honestly, I can’t wait!  More to come… read here.

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