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Diary of Breast Reduction: Patient Reflects

March 17th, 2014

Michelle’s Patient Blog: My Reflections

Michelle writes: I write this email exactly 3 weeks after my surgery.  I am still thrilled with my decision to do this surgery.  I have to say again, I had high expectations from the results of this surgery.  I wanted to feel better in my own skin.  I wanted to be able to wear a bra without pain in my shoulders, and I wanted to be able to workout without wearing 2 bras!  Granted, I haven’t gotten back into my daily workout routine, I don’t think I am ready for that.  But, as soon as I am able, I plan to!  My breasts are starting to settle, the swelling is down, although not completely.  The scabs from the incisions have all fallen off, and the remaining scars are hidden well and barely noticeable.  There is still soreness, especially after work or the end of the day, or just moving around for 11 hours.  The ice/water bag combo feels sooooo good after a long day, and I would highly recommend that you do that everyday, from the day of surgery on, it helps out a lot!

I did this surgery for me.  Not anyone else.  And there are NO regrets.  I did tell some very close friends/family about my decision, but that is limited to maybe a close 10 people. It wasn’t something that should matter to anyone but me, and so it wasn’t something I felt that needed to share.  I didn’t care what anyone else thought.  The decision to share is obviously different for everyone, that was just my experience.

All in all – I would do this again in a heartbeat!  Even though the final results aren’t until 6-12 months after, I love the result now.  I instantly felt “lighter” in the shoulders the day after surgery. My neck isn’t as tight.  I am thrilled with how I feel, how I look and the fact that I chose Bashioum Cosmetic Surgery to perform this surgery.  They fulfilled everything they said it would be and then some.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you! Any woman who is thinking about having breast reduction surgery or a breast lift, stop thinking about it and just do it. You will not regret your decision.

Dr. Bashioum’s final thoughts, read here.


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Diary of Breast Reduction: Recovery

March 13th, 2014

Michelle’s Patient Blog #6: My Recovery

Michelle writes: I stayed home from work on the 1st day following my surgery and I feel more awake today.  Lots of ice with water and just sitting around taking it easy as instructed. Again, not in pain.  The swelling stays at bay with the ice, and moving the ice is still is the most painful part. Since you have to stay in one position, and have the ice push on your breasts, for 20 minutes, and then move the ice bag and yourself….just that initial movement is painful.  But its nothing intolerable.

Day #2- I woke up feeling great.  The swelling seems  to be down a lot.  I am at home again. I “feel” like I can take on the world, but remember that Sandy told me not to overdo it, even though I think I can.  I am an A-type personality, so this is tough. But, I want my results to be good in the long run, so I want to follow my instructions.  I am on the couch, and ice for me. Again, no pain.  All in all, I would say this surgery and recovery thus far, is EXACTLY what everyone at Dr. Bashioum’s office said it would be. No surprises. Which actually surprises me!

Next time: Read my final thoughts and reflections about having breast reduction surgery here.

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