Afraid You’ll be a Mummy During Facelift Recovery?

Nipntuck cartoon mummy

Afraid that you’ll look like a mummy during facelift surgery recovery? Well, fear not because new advancements for Facelifts and Facial Rejuvenation surgery offer patients a choice for minimum downtime now.

Watch our doctor/wife facelift surgery segment that aired on Twin Cities Live awhile ago. Viewers were privy to a sneak peek into the  operating room as Lindsay is prepped for surgery. She talks candidly with Elizabeth Ries about the recovery process of having a facelift and why she chose to have surgery. Looking back, it was an enlightening experience for me to see the patient side of things and I appreciate her willingness to share our story.

Click here to watch. Check out this video from Twin Cities Live segment on facelift surgery and see the amazing reveal for yourself after her recovery.


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