Patient Satisfaction

What cosmetic surgeries rated highest in patient satisfaction? has published a list of cosmetic procedures ranked on whether patients think having a particular procedure was worth it, based on patients answering their survey question, Was your cosmetic surgery or treatment worth it?

While the ranking of patient satisfaction for various cosmetic surgery procedures is debatable, I find that there are definitely favorites.   For my own practice, breast enlargement and liposuction patients seem to be quite pleased with their decision to have cosmetic surgery.  The survey came up with different conclusions.   Maybe the ranking by merely represents overall patient satisfaction, without taking into account the quality or training of the physician or technician performing the surgery or treatment.

According to the survey, the top two procedures, tummy tucks and breast reductions are rated at the top.   They are almost always done by board certified plastic surgeons.   The bottom two procedures, Veloshape and mesotherapy, are almost never done by board certified plastic surgeons.   As you move from top to bottom on this list, the percentage of each procedure done by board certified plastic surgeons becomes less and less.   For instance, tumescent liposuction, Smart Lipo, liposculpture, liposuction and Vaser lipo, are all done by board certified plastic surgeons, as well as general surgeons, dermatologists, head and neck surgeons (otorhinolaryngologists), family doctors, and gynecologists.   In fact you can probably get some type of liposuction done by any medical or surgical subspecialist.   Obviously, the medical training in such a wide spectrum of surgical providers can be extremely variable.   The survey overlooked this important factor.

My own bias concludes that training is paramount when choosing a physician. Plastic surgery residency is intensely focused on aesthetics of the body and face and the sculptural aspects of surgery.   In addition, the medical students who are most often drawn to a plastic surgery residency have both an aptitude and intense interest in the artistic aspects of surgery.   Therefore, I believe that a key factor in patient satisfaction is to understand the qualifications of the person doing your surgery or treatment.  However, as with all physicians, plastic surgeons do have dissatisfied patients, a fact of life in the practice of medicine in general.   Choose wisely.


One Response to “Patient Satisfaction”

  1. Trish Says:

    Hi. Typically I would not post any of my personal life on the internet, but I want to share the terrific experience I had with Dr. Bashioum and his staff. My name is Trish and I am 7 months post breast augmentation. My story is similar to many other women I know. For one reason or another my/your breasts are just not what they used to be. Surgery was an easy decision for me, as was choosing Dr Bashioum. I knew he was double board certified and had an excellent reputation. Once you meet him you will understand why so many women recommend him…he gets it. You feel his passion for his work and that he strongly believes in doing what is right for his patients. I thought I wanted the “bought and paid for” look with my implants, but after going through my consultation I realized how much more beautiful it is to look natural. I’ve always been confident and comfortable in my own skin. My goal with surgery was to replace what I lost. I got that and then some, and love it!

    Although every augmentation experience is different, Dr Bashioum and his staff do an excellent job educating their patients on what to generally expect and how to make your recovery as smooth as possible. When I look back, things went exactly as they said. As excellent as the team is, it is also very important that you do your job to ensure the best possible outcome of your surgery. I was fortunate to have my husband at my surgery and then assist me throughout my healing process. 3 weeks of restricted activity seems like an eternity, but you will be very happy when you see your results!

    My advice to those that are contemplating augmentation:
    1. Follow your instructions
    2. Pamper your self prior to surgery with a mani-pedi, leg/underarm wax, and a massage to relax
    3. Unload your handbag and make it as light as possible and place your every day items at table level for easy access
    4. Have clothes available that are easy to put on and remove
    5. Lots of pillows to make sleeping as comfortable as possible
    6. Don’t’ panic about the implants riding high…they will drop
    7. Have someone there to help you

    Most of all RELAX. You will get through it and be so happy you made the choice.


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