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Medical Tourism

March 23rd, 2010

Thirty percent of patients considering a $10,000 cosmetic surgery procedure would travel outside the US for the surgery, if it were cheaper.   This report is according to a 2007 online American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery survey.

After cost savings, privacy was the next most popular reason.   Interestingly, more than 1/3 of the people surveyed report that they would go of shore for procedures not available in the US.   Breast surgery is a common surgery driving the popularity for medical tourism.   A significant contributing factor being that some breast implants are not approved by the FDA and are only available in Europe and Canada. Read the rest of this entry »

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Facial Sculpting Gains Popularity

March 22nd, 2010

The Los Angeles Times reports  that the number of Rhinoplasties surgeries soar in 2009 with a catchy title:  What recession? Bring on the Rhinoplasty. According to The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS),  a recent survey confirms the report and revealed a 74% increase the number of rhinoplasties (nose surgeries) performed last year.  I certainly agree with the number, as I have seen a dramatic increase in the number of patients choosing rhinoplasty.  We have actually posted several rhinoplasty patient diaries, like Lisa’s Blog featured last week on this blog.

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