Over-weight Patients and Cosmetic Surgery

Can I have cosmetic surgery if I’m over-weight?

I advise my patients to be within a few pounds of their ideal weight before having elective cosmetic surgery.  According to new research conducted by scientists at Johns Hopkins Medicine,  over-weight patients are nearly 12 times more likely to suffer a complication following elective plastic surgery than their normal-weight counterparts.

Americans are getting fat.   34% of adults in the United States are now estimated to be obese (those with a body mass index above 30), up from just 15 percent a decade ago.  Meanwhile, the number of people nationwide having elective plastic surgery has also increased in recent years – with annual plastic surgery volume up considerably during the last decade.   Physicians ought to keep a watchful eye on the scale when it comes to evaluating patients for elective surgery.

Next time: Patient Selection for Cosmetic Surgery


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