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Botox in Hollywood: When is it too much?

January 11th, 2011

Hollywood seems to be a great source for extreme cosmetic surgery making pop culture news.  A recent article caught my eye about actresses having too much Botox.  Often medical providers are pressured into injecting more than what might look natural.  Most of my patients respect my guidance, however, I am fully aware that they can walk out my door and go someplace else.

Botox may be injected by various providers, not always done by a physician.  When I see the telltale mask-like appearance  that is likely caused from too much Botox, it makes me cringe.  Injectables can be used effectively in softening facial lines, but too much of a good thing results in an almost freakish appearance.  In a recent post from CafeMom, this popular trend is discussed and the article includes photos of stars that have sadly distorted their beautiful looks, once pivotal in making them become so famous.

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Bridalplasty: Timing is Everything

January 6th, 2011

Whether a Bride or Mother-of the-Bride, my advice is the same.  I do not recommend having surgery right before an important event. Recovery from surgery takes time and the added stress of a big social event around the corner is unnecessary and unwise.  I also strongly discourage patients from considering more than one procedure at a time.  Having multiple surgeries carries the risk of added complications, which I discussed in my summer post about Heidi Montag’s 10 procedures.  Reality shows often glamorize extreme cosmetic surgery being performed in unnatural circumstances and I believe network ratings and notoriety  may  take a backseat to patient safety.  In a CBS interview, the E! presenters attempted to justify Bridalplasty and defend the possible exploitation of the brides.  No doubt, the ratings rather than sound medical advice will decide if the show continues.

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