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When to Have a Facelift?

July 10th, 2014

 Dr. Ralph and Lindsay BashioumWhen should I have a Facelift? I get this question all the time and my answer is generally the same. Patients should consider having elective cosmetic surgery when they are particularly bothered by something. There is no magic age to have a facelift. For some women, the time is sooner than others and genetics certainly plays a role in how we age. Other factors, such as smoking and sun damage contribute to an aged appearance. All things being equal, most women consider anti-aging surgery  from 45-65. Older women presenting with laxity or lots of sagging in the skin can expect the surgical correction to last a shorter length of time. The skin has less “desire” to stay in place and stretches again, much like a balloon that has been inflated over and over again.

My wife, Lindsay decided she was ready for a Facelift shortly after her 60th birthday. I felt that she was already beautiful to me, but she asked me to do the surgery. As the editor of our Nipntuck Blog, she knew all the ins and outs of having surgery and decided to share her unique perspective with Twin Cities Live. They filmed her surgery, interviewed both of us and followed her recovery.  The Twin Cities Live appearance is quite a good example of why and when patients chose to have a Facelift. Lindsay was decidedly candid when talking about the reasons she was no longer happy with how her face had aged. As her surgeon/husband, her reaction to the before and after images was especially touching for me to witness. You can be the judge. The segment aired last month and in case you missed it, just  click here to watch.

Photo: 4th of July 2012


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