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Dr. Bashioum on KARE TV Evening News

January 27th, 2012

I was recently interviewed for a television news segment for KARE-11  TV.  It is a story about a popular body modification trend, called ear gaging,  One of my patients seeking to have the gaging  appearance reversed, also participated.  We were originally interviewed for an article by Jeff Strickler at the Minneapolis StarTribune. The procedure that is needed to restore ear lobes to approximate normal looking ears requires cosmetic surgery.

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Body Modifications: Second Thoughts

January 24th, 2012

I was interviewed by the Minneapolis StarTribune last week regarding the popularity of body modification called ear gauging. Click here to read today’s article.  This counter culture is coming full circle. Young adults who have chosen ear gauging are now moving into the work force. Even though they can remove the gauges, ear lobe deformity persists, which stands out as visual evidence of their past philosophies.  They ask about having their ear lobes restored to the pre-counter culture state.

Fortunately, there is a simple surgery to eliminate the large hole in the ear lobe and at the same time reconstruct the natural shape of the ear. Under local anesthesia, the skin lining of the gauge hole is excised along with redundant lobe tissue. Simple skin closure leaves an inconspicuous scar that soon heals as the only evidence of their past choices.

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