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2013 Wish List for Self-Improvement

January 4th, 2013

As we look forward to 2013 with optimism and anticipation, the first of the year is often a time of renewal and making personal resolutions.  Cosmetic surgery is tops on the list for self-improvements. Telephone calls and website inquiries start pouring in to schedule cosmetic surgery consultations right about now.  Both men and women tend to consider self-improvement at the start of the New Year.  Cosmetic surgery and a variety of do-it-yourself improvements like teeth-whitening,  along with diets and working out, are at the top of the list for personal changes. In my own practice, breast enlargement, liposuction and tummy tucks, followed by facelifts have been the most popular surgery requests soon after the Holidays. I see the trend for New Year’s cosmetic surgery requests to continue this year.


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