Implant-Free Breast Enlargement

Implant-free breast enlargement is now a new  choice. In a meeting that I attended last week in Miami, recent innovations were presented by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons at the “First-Of-Its-Kind Regenerative Medicine Summit.”  Colleagues Dr. Roger K. Khouri and Dr. Kamran Khoobehi,  two respected pioneers in this field shared their findings. Simply described, your own fat cells can be gently removed by liposuction from selected areas and then carefully transferred to another location.  

Nipntuck Naturalâ„¢  is a revolutionary new way of thinking about plastic surgery.  I am excited to offer patients the option to choose new implant-free breast enlargement surgery, as debuted on the KQRS Morning Show broadcast in Las Vegas.

Regenerative medicine features this specialized fat grafting procedure. Typical donor sites for fat cells include areas of the abdomen or flanks.   Fat grafts naturally contain a population of adipose specialized cells.   The regenerative properties of these cells are particularly effective for these new procedures, because the fat cells become a natural living part of the tissues where it is placed.

This revolutionary technique is not limited to cosmetic breast surgery.   Fat grafting is an outpatient, clinic-based procedure and the quick recovery is changing many aspects of cosmetic plastic surgery.

 Series continues.


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