Friday Photos: Rhubarb Pie
May 8th, 2015
My strategy worked, bringing in freshly cut and trimmed rhubarb from my garden resulted in this delicious pie last week! Lindsay indulged my fondness for rhubarb and baked another one of her family favorites. It’s amazing how a couple days of warm weather produce enough ripe rhubarb that’s ready for the picking. The first of the corn is in already and lots of seedlings that I started inside are almost ready to plant outside in the garden. Next up- I’m hunting for heirloom tomato plants. I love this time of year, so busy, but so hopeful for what my efforts might produce.
Jessie’s Nose Surgery Series continues next week with more videos.
Bee Update: Moving Outside
April 12th, 2015
The bees have been busy in the garage these last couple weeks pollinating my non-hardy fruit trees, which are just starting to leaf out. The new leaves need sunshine and a drink of water, so this weekend was time to move the tress outside next to the house. They’ll transition there before moving them out to my garden. The bees seemed to have adjusted to the new location for their hive and the mild weather suits the wider range they will have outside. Figs and peaches have already set fruit, so unless we get a bitter cold snap, we should be enjoying some sun-ripened fruit this summer. Our German Shepherd doesn’t know what all the fuss is about, but she is happy to have her garage entrance/exit back open for now.
I ordered my traveling bees from Biobest for natural Minneapolis garden solutions.