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Springtime Blossoms in Winter

February 23rd, 2013

Even though Minneapolis is getting hammered with another snowstorm blanketing the Midwest, we have a touch of Springtime indoors.

I needed to prune all my cold intolerant fruit trees sheltered in the garage last week, so I brought some of the clippings inside.  Lindsay put them in a vase with some warm water and we eventually had blossoms to enjoy for a couple of days.  I’m getting anxious to see this snow melt and have a chance to get back into my Wayzata garden again.

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Dr. Bashioum’s Friday Photo: Harvest Before the Frost

November 2nd, 2012


I picked these tomatoes just before the last frost a couple weeks ago.  We had a bunch of greens ones, too, that I put on the window sill to ripen.  We are officially out of fresh garden tomatoes until next summer.  Although Lindsay did manage to oven-roast some in the weeks leading up to the cold weather, to help us get us through the winter!

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