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Look at Me: Extreme tattoos and distortion of the body

November 11th, 2013

Extreme tattoos and distortion of the body by means of one or more surgical procedures is generally referred to as body modification. An entire website is devoted to the practice is here.

Individuals turn to extreme measures to alter their appearance through multiple procedures such as tattoos, piercings, skin stretching, facial clefting and subcutaneous implants trying to achieve a unique facade or persona. Erick Sprague, or the Lizardman represents the full expression body modification, including full-body tattoos of green scales and a bifurcated or split tongue.  All of these procedures are done in specialized salons or studios, outside the regulation of medical practice. Most often, these modifications consist of actual surgical procedures and seem to go unnoticed by the officials. This type of body modification might be viewed as practicing medicine without a license. By and large, most physicians have chosen not to be involved in the realm of body modification. These extreme changes in physical  appearance are beyond the norm for our culture in America.

Although these cases may represent a variant of body dysmorphic disorder,  I believe many individuals enjoy the attention, even seek it out.   They do the outlandish procedures to get attention, pure and simple.  They like being looked at.  In fact, Lizardman has used his manufactured appearance and the attention it garners, to make money from personal appearances as a performer.

I am trying not being judgmental. Many well-adjusted patients choose cosmetic surgery for many of the same reasons. Pop media culture has cultivated the Look at Me mentality. In fact, most people do care what they look like and strive to look their best. In my opinion, it is the extreme end of the body modification spectrum that might suggest unconventional reasons to seek out an appearance outside the accepted norm.

Read more: Dr. Bashioum’s interview in Star Tribune article, and Dr. Bashioum seen on KARE 11 TV  about ear gage repair.


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Radical Body Modification: Cat Man

October 9th, 2013

Now that tattoos are no longer shocking and seem to be on track to be commonplace in mainstream pop culture, some people are upping the ante.  I was recently interviewed on KARE-11 TV about the trend of Ear Gaging. The latest trends in radical body modification probably appeal to people wanting to push the limits.  Dennis Avner, typifies this extreme and is the Nevada man who spent years trying to look like a cat (pictured here). Avner underwent a series of radical body modification procedures to  transform his body into  a female cat.

Avner’s operations have included bifurcation (splitting) of his upper lip, surgically pointing his ears, silicone cheek and forehead implants, tooth filing, tattoos, multiple facial piercings, getting whiskers implanted and making a mechanical tail.   It is unclear whether Avner was ever evaluated for any mental disorders, but the extreme nature of his transformation may have suggested problems.  He died at the age of 54 by an apparent suicide.

His surgeries were done by Steve Haworth from Phoenix, Arizona,  an artist and pioneer of body modification techniques. Steve Haworth is responsible for the invention and popularization of subdermal and transdermal implants. Haworth is the subject of the 2007 documentary Flesh & Blood by director Larry Silverman. The industry is largely unregulated and although surgical techniques are often used to accomplish this fringe body modification, people seeking procedures are deemed clients, rather than patients.

In spite of hazards due to these procedures being done outside the medical community, the trend remains a popular sub-culture. Body modifications are often difficult to reverse and sometimes require several expensive plastic reconstructive surgeries to accomplish returning to a former appearance. While I admit that cosmetic surgery does fall into the category of body modification, I would recommend caution when proceeding with any radical forms body modification.

Photo: Courtesy Belle News




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