Macy’s “Art in Bloom”
March 20th, 2015
“Art In Bloom†Macy’s annual flower show opens to the public this weekend at the downtown store in Minneapolis. Macy’s 8th floor auditorium is transformed into lush gardens with thousands of flowers all designed and created by Bachman’s. The unique floral exhibit runs Sunday, March 22 through Saturday, April 4th
For more information click here. For a list of all the special activities, including fun family events and cooking demos check here.
Dr. Bashioum’s Traveling Bees
March 13th, 2015
While it might not be warm enough for native bees to go to work in Minnesota yet, my traveling bumblebees have arrived from Biobest. I’ve installed the hive in my Wayzata garage greenhouse for my non-cold hardy trees that are protected from freezing temps in the garden. The bees don’t bother people, but provide a way for the potted fruit trees to get pollinated before the local bees are active. This is my second time using the bees, it’s a bit easier than doing it myself with a little brush! Gardening in Minnesota can be challenging, but the rewards are many.
Early blossoms await ‪#‎pollination‬. Peaches, plums, apricots and nectarines..