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Chin Enlargement  – Before Surgery Instructions

We want your cosmetic surgery experience to be as safe and pleasant as possible. We will not take any undue  risks with your health. Begin by reading all of the information you have received twice. It is your responsibility to follow these instructions. It is important you understand all of the materials. If you have any questions about any of this information, call Dr. Bashioum as possible at 952.449.4900.

Do I need a medical examination before surgery?

To verify your good health, have your personal physician complete a history and physical examination  within two weeks before your surgery date. Please use the enclosed form (Preoperative History and Physical Examination Form) for documentation of your preoperative physical. A copy must be at our office three  days before your surgery. Please ask your physician’s office to fax the form to our office (952.449.5582) once  it has been completed. Also, please have your physician office give you a copy of the completed.  Hand-carry  this form to our office the morning of surgery.
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When do I pay for my surgery?

Payment is due in our office two weeks before surgery. If payment is not received two weeks prior to the surgery date, your surgery will be rescheduled. We accept cash and cashiers checks. Personal checks are accepted prior to two weeks before your surgery. You may use a credit card (Visa or MasterCard) to pay for  your surgery. We also provide a finance program. My suggested fees include professional fees, anesthesia  fees, operating room costs, equipment use fees, implant costs, before care and after care.
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What happens if my surgery is cancelled?

Although rare, surgery may be postponed or cancelled. This is usually for health reasons and your personal  safety. We will not take any undue risks with your health. It is your responsibility to maintain good health  prior to your surgery. You must avoid exposure to virus infections (colds, flu), take your prescription medications as prescribed, stop all non prescription medication, stop smoking, stop alcohol consumption, and  stop all illicit or illegal drug use. If you cancel surgery less than one week before the scheduled surgery date,  you will be charged a 25% cancellation fee. Bashioum Cosmetic Surgery Center, Ltd. is not responsible for  any expenses incurred by you if surgery is cancelled or postponed for any reason. These expenses include  but are not limited to hospitalization costs, prescriptions, home nursing care, preoperative history and physical examination, laboratory costs, pathology fees, travel expenses, time off work, housing costs, and/or  meal costs.
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What medicines can I take before surgery?

Stop taking all non-prescription or over the counter medicines two weeks before surgery. In other words,  stop all drugs, medicines, preparations, herbs, homeopathic treatments, and extra vitamins that are not prescribed by a medical doctor. This includes all aspirin or ibuprofen containing products, all homeopathic  drugs, all natural drugs, or all herbal drugs, all extra vitamins, all illicit or illegal drugs (cocaine, crack, THC,  marijuana, narcotics, heroin, LSD, PCP, speed, or amphetamines). Please review the attached list of drugs  to avoid (Medications to Avoid Before Surgery). These medicines will lead to problems with anesthesia and  surgery. It is possible to die from these drug induced complications. These complications can ruin the result of your surgery as well. Your surgery will be cancelled if you take any of these medicines. Call us if  you are not absolutely sure about a particular medicine. We recommend you take only one multivitamin  daily for two weeks prior to your surgery. Take only acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain. Most prescribed medications should be taken before and after your surgery.
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Should I stop smoking?

Do not smoke or use tobacco or nicotine products (snuff, chewing tobacco, Nicorette gum, nicotine inhaler, or nicotine skin patches (Nicoderm)) for two weeks before and two weeks after surgery (see Medications to Avoid Before Surgery). This can lead to skin loss, skin death, and slow wound healing that will ruin  the result of your surgery leaving you with permanent deforming scars. Smoking also increases the risk of  coughing after your surgery that leads to unwanted bleeding. For general health reasons, I recommend all  my patients stop smoking.
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Can I drink alcohol before surgery?

Do not have any alcoholic drinks (including beer and wine) for one week before surgery and two days after  your surgery date. Also, do not have any alcoholic beverages as long as you are taking prescription medications. Alcohol interferes with anesthetic medicines. In addition, alcohol may result in excessive bleeding.
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Can I have varicose vein treatments before surgery?

Do not have any lower leg or thigh vein treatments (injection sclerotherapy, vein injections, laser photocoagulation, vein surgery, or vein stripping) within six weeks of your surgery. These treatments can lead to  blood clots in the legs. These are life threatening.
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Can I combine this recovery with that of another surgery?

Just like vein treatments, I do not recommend you have surgery six weeks before or six weeks after cosmetic surgery. Shorter intervals between surgery can increase your risk for blood clots in the legs which can  be life threatening.
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When do I stop eating before surgery?

Do not eat or drink anything including water, tea, or coffee after midnight the night before your surgery  (twelve hours before your surgery). Do not chew gum. You may brush your teeth the morning before surgery, but do not swallow any water when you rinse your mouth. Failure to comply with this important precaution can lead to death as a result of aspiration pneumonia or lung problems. Your surgery will be  cancelled if you do not comply with this order. If you take prescription medicines, please call me to make  arrangements to take these the day of surgery.
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Do I need someone to stay with me the night after surgery?

You must have an adult (older than 18 years old) take you home and remain with you continuously for 24  hours after your surgery. Choose someone who will be supportive of your decision to have chin enlargement. A companion who questions your decision will make your convalescence more difficult. You may  not take a limousine or a cab home without your care giver. We ask your companion not bring children with  them to take you home. You must have their full attention during the ride home. Your surgery will be cancelled if this is not arranged. If you undergo surgery and inform us you have not made these arrangements,  you will be admitted to the hospital. This will cost you $500 to $1000 per night plus ambulance transport  costs. Prior to surgery, we can arrange a home nursing service to care for you the night after your surgery.  Call us to arrange this.
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What do I do the day before surgery?

Try to relax the day before surgery. Go about your daily responsibilities. Drink four quarts of water so you  are properly hydrated the morning of surgery.

What do I do the night before surgery?

Remove all of your jewelry including all body pierce jewelry the night before surgery. Do not wear any jewelry until after your surgery. Wearing jewelry during surgery can lead to burns and scars of the skin. Before you go to bed take a shower with soap. Wash thoroughly including your hair, face, and body. Make  sure you remove all makeup particularly mascara. Do not put anything on your skin after your shower. Do  not apply body moisturizer, deodorants, antiperspirants, or makeup. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight.
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What do I do the morning of surgery?

Take another shower the morning of your surgery washing your hair, face, and body with soap. Do not put  anything on your skin after your shower including body moisturizer, deodorants, antiperspirants, or makeup.  These can interfere with surgical markings, skin cleansing, and anesthesia monitoring. Do not eat or drink  anything the morning of surgery including coffee, tea, or water. You may brush your teeth provided you do  not swallow any water. Do not chew gum. If you are a diabetic or take prescription medications ask us  about taking your medications the morning of your surgery. Do not wear contact lenses. You may wear  glasses to my office. Do not wear any jewelry or piercings the day of surgery. Wear loose fitting clothing.  Do not wear anything that needs to be pulled over your head. Wear a blouse or shirt that buttons or zips  up the front. Wear loose shorts covered with sweat pants or workout pants.
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How do I prepare for the night after surgery?

Every patient is apprehensive about the night after surgery. Proper preparation will make this first night easier  for you. First, read your after surgery instructions twice. If you have any questions make sure they are answered before your surgery. An adult will need to pick you up after your surgery and drive you home. I do not  recommend you travel more than one hour to your home. If you live further than this from my office, you  should arrange to stay in a hotel near my office. An adult must stay with you continuously for the twenty-four  hours after your surgery. This is necessary to help you in case of any emergencies. Your companion must also  care for any children that will be staying with you.
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What can I tell my friends and family so they will not know I have had surgery?

I recommend you be honest with yourself, family, and friends. It is particularly important with regards to  your spouse or significant other. You will be surprised to see how much support and approval you receive.
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What should I do if I am pregnant?

You must not be pregnant at the time of your surgery. If you are late for your menstrual period or flow, call  us immediately. The medications we use for surgery can interfere with pregnancy and cause birth defects.
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What should I do if become ill before surgery?

If you develop an illness such as a cold, the flu, sore throat, infection, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, fever  and/or chills, please call my office as soon as possible. We will determine at that time if we need to delay  your surgery based on your symptoms. If surgery is performed when these conditions are present, there is  an increased risk of complications.
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What should I do if I have questions before surgery?

Remember we are here for you. We want this surgery to be as safe and pleasant as possible. Call us anytime you have questions or concerns. During office hours (8:30AM to 4:30PM, Monday through Friday),  call 952.449.4900 and we will answer your questions. After hours, first call me on my mobile phone at  612.940.0048, then at my home number, 952.473.7854. If the concern is not urgent and is able to wait  until the next business day, you may leave a message at 952.449.4900 after hours or on weekends.
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  • Member, American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • Member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
BASHIOUM COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER 445 Lake Street, Suite 210 Wayzata, MN 55391 877-647-6882

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