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Going to the Operating Room

Here at Bashioum Cosmetic Surgery Center, we provide advanced Minneapolis plastic surgery, including high quality breast, face, body, and BOTOX procedures. Dr. Bashioum and Dr. Moghaddam understand that going into the operating room can be a nerve-wracking experience. One of the major reasons for this we have found affecting our patients is the fear of the unknown and not knowing what to expect when they are heading into surgery. Our caring experts and team want all of our patients to feel confident and comfortable when going into the operating room. Therefore, we put together a list of answers to our most frequently asked questions we hear from anxious patients to re-affirm you of the safety of your procedure.

What is the first step?

When you arrive at the Bashioum Cosmetic Surgery Center, Ltd., you will be escorted to one of our consultation rooms. You will be asked to change into a warming gown that we will attach to gentle warm air flow. One of our staff will take before surgery photographs. The registered nurse, our nurse anesthetist, and Dr. Bashioum will meet with you. This is the time for final surgical planning. Dr. Bashioum most likely will mark your skin as part of the surgical plan to be followed during the procedure. There will be as much time as you need to ask questions.
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Where will the surgery be performed?

Your surgery will be performed here at the Bashioum Cosmetic Surgery Center, Ltd. in our state-of-the-art operating suite. It is accredited by the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities.
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Who will be in the operating room?

Specialists using modern equipment and techniques will attend to you. The team includes a nurse anesthetist, a trained operating room technician, a registered nurse, and Dr. Bashioum.
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Is it cold in the operating room?

Dr. Bashioum feels strongly that you should not be exposed to cold temperatures before, during, or after surgery. This is unique. Our goal is to have minimal body temperature changes during surgery. The operating and recovery room temperatures are kept between 78 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
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When will I go into the operating room?

After we have visited with you and all you questions are answered, you will be asked to walk to the operating room. It is normal to be nervous at this time. We are there to reassure you. For most people, the operating room is a foreign and intimidating place. Do your best to relax. We will do everything we can to make you feel safe and secure. You will feel comfortable on our deeply padded operating table.
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Will I need an IV?

All patients having general anesthesia or intravenous sedation will need an IV to administer medications and fluids. It is also necessary for your safety.
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How will the anesthesia start?

Once we have placed monitoring leads on your chest and finger, the nurse anesthetist will begin giving sedation and anesthetic drugs to start the anesthesia. We will give enough such that you gently fall asleep if you are having a general anesthetic.
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Will I need a breathing tube?

During surgery it will be necessary that you breathe well as measured by your blood oxygen level. It is also natural for you to breathe more shallowly during the anesthetic. For your safety, we generally use a breathing tube to assist your breathing.
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Will I be sick to my stomach after the surgery?

Nausea and vomiting are always a risk after surgery. Fortunately, it is unusual for our patients to have this condition. This is commonly associated with narcotic medicines. We try to choose the type of anesthetic that matches your sensitivity to nausea. Our nurse anesthetist will discuss this with you. In addition, virtually all patients receive a combination of two powerful anti-nausea drugs in an effort to reduce the risk of this occurring.
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How will I feel in the recovery room?

Most patients wake up quietly sedated, feeling very comfortable. Any pain is usually described as tightness and is well controlled. One of our fully trained recovery room nurses will be at your side. If there are any concerns, they will be there to help you.
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How long will I be in the recovery room?

Most patients leave the recovery room to go home in about hour. Almost all of anesthetic medications we use are cleared from your body in that time. Most patients are fully awake within 30 to 60 minutes after surgery, but may not remember much about their stay in the recovery room. If you want to stay longer, you may!
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How will I get to the car after surgery?

We transport our patients to the car in a wheelchair for safety reasons. It is also easier during the elevator ride to the indoor parking. Remember, you cannot drive yourself home. You may not take a limousine or a cab home.
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Will I need a nurse at home?

We recommend a home nurse for all of our facelift patients. If you are having other surgery and would like to arrange this, please call the office so we can arrange it before your surgery date.
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Do I need someone to stay with me the night after surgery?

You must have an adult (older than 18 years old) take you home and remain with you continuously for 24 hours after your surgery. We ask that your companion not bring children with them to take you home. You must have their full attention during the ride home. Your surgery will be canceled if this is not arranged. If you undergo surgery and inform us you have not made these arrangements, you will be admitted to the hospital. This will cost you $500 to $1000 per night, plus ambulance transport costs.
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For More Information, Give Us A Call!

If you have further questions or concerns about our procedures or your upcoming surgery, give our office a call and our kind staff will be happy to help! If you are interested in one of our cosmetic or reconstructive procedures, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to providing you with high quality plastic surgery procedures in Minneapolis and Wayzata, MN!

  • Member, American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • Member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
BASHIOUM COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER 445 Lake Street, Suite 210 Wayzata, MN 55391 877-647-6882

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