Top 5 Reasons Drs Postpone Cosmetic Surgery

 Top 5 Reasons Cosmetic Surgery gets PostponedWhy follow your pre-op instructions for cosmetic plastic surgery? Occasionally elective cosmetic surgery is cancelled by the doctor on the day of surgery for a variety of reasons. While it is understandable that patients might be disappointed at this situation, the decision to postpone surgery is most often based on patient health and safety. Patients generally understand that their surgery may be rescheduled at a later date. The most common reason for postponing surgery is that a patient may forget to follow all pre-operative instructions. In the excitement and preparation for having surgery, patients can forget to avoid eating and/or drinking before surgery. As physicians, it is our responsibility to adhere to these instructions. When in doubt about something on the list, we advise our patients to call us for clarification.

Here are the Top 5 Reasons to Cancel Surgery:

 1)     Patient did not follow pre-operative instructions. Eating or drinking before surgery may cause serious complications during the procedure or recovery. It is very important to follow all your surgeon’s instructions.

2)     Patient has a fever, cold or flu symptoms. It is advisable to inform your surgeon if you experience any symptoms indicating that you might be getting sick. It is also important to report any injury sustained prior to surgery.

3)     Patient is unable to have an adult drive them home following surgery and stay with them during recovery for the first 24 hours. At-home healthcare may be arranged through our office prior to surgery.

4)     The Pre-operative examination revealed a possible medical condition that might require further testing and evaluation. In most cases, this is resolved and surgery may be rescheduled at a later date.

5)     Patient has a high level of anxiety or doubt about having surgery at this time.



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