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It’s Rhubarb Pie Time

May 5th, 2014

It’s finally time for Rhubarb Pie this year!  Always a sign that Spring has finally arrived when the rhubarb is up and there’s enough to pick to make a pie. I’m fortunate that Lindsay comes from a long line of great pie-makers and just a quick trip to Lunds for ice cream appears to be the only thing standing in the way of my favorite dessert tonight!

Happy Spring, finally.

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Dr. Bashioum’s Garden: French Melons

September 23rd, 2013

 As the temps get cooler in the evenings this time of year, I’ve been patiently waiting for my  French Cavaillon melons  to ripen before the first frost. After an anxious couple weeks, the melons finally got ripe and there have been plenty to share. Having endured a disappointing 2 seasons of an unsuccessful crop, they are as delicious as I can remember. It is worth starting and nurturing the seeds indoors when the ground is still frozen here, just to allow a long enough growing season in Minnesota. It is a joy to share this special treat!

Photo: Cavaillon melons artfully posed in my garden last week.

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