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Dr. Bashioum’s Garden: Summer Harvest

August 28th, 2013

The warm summer temps have finally helped to ripen the tomatoes in my garden. Looks like it’s time to make some ratatouille, with the addition of summer squash. I’m still waiting for the French Cavaillon melons to ripen, sadly cutting into several this past week, only to find out they were not ready yet. When the leaf that is closest to the stem begins to wilt, it is supposed to signal picking, but the technique is proving to be more complicated this year with the garden’s slow start. I remain optimistic that I might be able to supply friends who have been waiting patiently for the spectacular melon treat, so please check back for an update.

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Friday Photo: Woodland Strawberries

July 12th, 2013

Those of you who follow my “Friday Photos” might remember that I enjoy growing unusual fruits and vegetables in my Wayzata garden.  It’s the season now for the tiny white fraise de bois or woodland strawberries. Since they are so small, it takes considerable effort to gather a bowlful, but the reward is worthwhile.  They are really delicious and too fragile to ever be found in the market.  The white strawberries (actually yellowish), can be seen in my garden photo here.

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